

Foreign exchange rates for 10/05/2024
London Metal Exchange data for 10/05/2024
Copper 6,110.00
Nickel 13,045.00
Tin 17,100.00
Lead 1,816.00
Zinc 2,078.50

The participation of RIVS in the Plaksinsky readings

RIVS employees took part in the Plaksinsky readings, which took place in Irkutsk on September 9-14. The main theme of the event was the problems and prospects of the effective processing of mineral raw materials in the 21st century.
The organizers of the event are: the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems of mineral processing, the Institute of Problems of Integrated Subsoil Development named after Academician N.V. Melnikova RAS, Irkutsk National Research Technical University.
The association took part in the work of the following sections:
1. "Technological mineralogy. Disintegration and ore preparation";
2. "Flotation, gravity, magnetic and electromagnetic separation";
3. "Complex processing of mineral raw materials, hydrometallurgical processes";
4. "Processing of technogenic raw materials. Environmental and economic aspects."
Plaksinsky readings - an ann

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